ADC Ltd is a project delivery company founded in 2014 performing seismic hazard assessments, GIS services and engineering analyses for new build and existing installations in the energy sector. Time and time again we have gone through the rather complex process to develop seismic design bases for a number of nuclear power plant projects and a major Trans-European hydrocarbon pipeline. While in the process, we learnt that success is not only up to perfect engineering work, but there is still significant share associated with the ability to provide easy communication line and enable all stakeholders genuinely participate in the project and challenge it throughout. Working with us will give you the chance to use top- notch engineering service without the need to pay heavy duty overhead cost which always goes in the price of the leading engineering companies.
ADC Ltd. provides "major project" type PSHA assessment service, which will efficiently work in any environment and level of scrutiny and thus will remain valid representation of the ground motion at a site of interest even if national/global codes were to be updated in the near future. Our experience indicates that any cost incurred for seismic upgrade of existing projects that need to be seismically updated will be orders of magnitude larger compared to the cost required to build installation following robust seismic design bases and current engineering practice.
While our expertise makes us very much eligible for major projects, it is the connection to the ordinary man that is important to us as well. From that perspective, if you wish to know all about how much earthquake prone is your house, property or district, we can calculate it for you in no time and for insignificant cost. It is our mission to help the society understand the severity of earthquakes and even though they cannot be controlled, we can make it possible for investors to develop their installations without the "fear factor" as it all could be properly calculated.
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